Day Three (Carly) - Confirmation
Today was Gertrudes and wound clinic day for part of our team. One thing that will stick with me from Gertrudes is a little girl named Christina. We made an instant connection, and I taught her how to say my name! This little girl, and many other children at Gertrudes, touched my heart and put smiles on all of our faces. It's amazing how much these children brightened my day.
Lauren, Jake, Bob, and I were the part of the team that decided to take on the challenges of the wound clinic- cleaning and dressing wounds for many injured Haitians. I was so proud of everyone that came together to help heal these people; it was an amazing experience and felt great to be a part of something so meaningful. This is where my word of the day, confirmation, comes into play. Being a part of the wound clinic team and helping to heal wounds confirmed that I am on the right track in life. I think that one's health, and the health of the people we love is one thing that is most important in life, and often something we don't think about every day. To be a part of a team that can improve someone's health is so meaningful to me. So today was confirmation that pursuing a career in healthcare is what I am meant to do. Today, we truly helped heal Haiti.
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