We then took a drive up the mountain. I love this drive. God's creativity did not miss Haiti. The mountain is gorgeous. We took in shopping on our way. I have a hard time with bartering in some ways, but also really like it in others. The creativity of these people is amazing.
In all of our words of the day, I was thinking of words for my team as we finish out the week...
Jake- gentle giant. He had a way with the kids. The babies just clung to him.
Renae- Special. What a heart this woman has for the kids as well. She was so special. Just a look or touch from her made the days of the babies.
Diane- Transparent. This woman is so wonderful. She says what is on her heart and mind. She is blunt, but not to a fault or that is hurtful in any way. What I appreciate about Diane is she is an essential activator had heart. She sees something that she doesn't like, and moves. There are two kids and a woman in need of a matress. Not to worry. Diane is on it. Beautiful heart. I loved watching the progression in her through the week.
Amy: Godsend. Amy was a late addition to the team and she is amazing. What a heart. What a blessing. A bosom friend. Confidant. Pure in heart. Purposeful here in Haiti. I love her.
Bob- There isn't just one word for Bob. So many have excuses for why they can't come, can't do something, just can't. Bob is amazing. He is wonderful for how he communicates without words sometimes, and makes our lives special by being in it.
Cindy- Blessed. As a mom, it has been interesting to watch Cindy and Lauren together- a daughter leading the trip with a mother on it. Who Lauren is shows part of who Cindy is as well- she has done such a great job with who Lauren is. Blessed also to see Lauren in action, see what breaks her heart, see the things down here and allowing God to speak in and through her. She is a dear soul that made the team special.
Jeni- Smile. This woman smiles with her whole heart and is just wonderful. Her heart is so good. She has a tender heart and has a light inside her that refuses to go out. The kids ministry at Eagle Brook gave the kids glow bracelets to remind them to be the light in a world of darkness and Amy has been that person on this trip.
Laura- Soft/ Gentle. The gentle heart and spirit of Laura is beautiful. I am thrilled to know she is going into education. I love it. I think it's great. Just what God made her to do.
Carly- Joy. She brought laughter and fun and heart into everything she did this week. She is beautiful inside and out. I loved how God brought her to the wound clinic and in the work with the elderly to affirm what she should be doing for her vocation.
Jerrilynn- Surrender/Courageous. There are many things that could have kept Jerrilynn in Minnesota that were going to be challenges for the week- heat, driving, new places, new and different food... a host of things that could have prevented her from serving, but they didn't. She loved on babies, helped with water trucks, worked through motion sickness, and immersed herself in shining a light to the people in Haiti.
Lauren- Called. It almost doesn't need explanation. Lauren is doing exactly what she is meant to do and I loved watching how God uses people, but specifically her. She is such a phenomenal person and I pray for direction for her to see exactly where God wants to use her.
Jenn- There aren't words for who this special lady is to me. Having experienced twice Haiti with Jenn, she just makes my heart happy. After our first trip, she had said that she was coming back- she was going to lead and it moves me to tears how she has been obedient. God is doing some really great things in and through her in her obedience. I love it. I love her.
As for me, I can walk away from this week purposeful. Last trip, I was not ready to go back home because it didn't feel as though we did enough-- I didn't fix it all-- I didn't make it all better and I had no idea how I could make it better or where to go from here. This time, I have direction. I am leaving with purpose and direction, knowing like I said yesterday, that it isn't permanent. I didn't even know if I would be back ever again a year and a half ago and this time- absolutely. I promised Ronaldo I would be back for him. And Wilson, Nick, Brunet, Maxim, and for the babies of my heart down here- Daphne, Danah, and my self named Max in Cite Soleil. I immediately thought of this one song... the title escapes me, but the chorus says-- "All I know is I'm not home yet... this is not where I belong." It really speaks to being in our temporary home of this Earth, but in many ways, this rings true for being here and being in Minnesota. Minnesota is where my family and the rest of my life is but Haiti is where I find the purest form of a connection with God.
All I know is I'm not home yet.... soon to be where the babies of my body are. Dreaming dreams as I go home with a purpose. Thank you to God does not seem quite adequate, but my heart is so full. My soul is refreshed. My spirit renewed. Glwa pou Bondye. (Glory to God)
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