I feel like a broken record of sorts with my posts, but I love it here. I know that sounds and seems foreign to many, but to that end.... I would say come. See it once. You may not love it- it may not be your passion or what God has called you for, but I haven't met someone that says a trip to Haiti was a waste. Many say they can see why people that have gone before will speak of Haiti with love.
My word for yesterday was Fulfilled. Our day began like any other- I was back in the kitchen, which I think is what made the day "feel" right for me down here. My previous trip, I spent much time in the kitchen helping with breakfast or dinner, so not doing that a lot this time was (my first word was tough) different. We spent more time just preparing to be ready as Jenn met with others for possible connections for future teams in Haiti.
We drove out to Titanyen yesterday. The first leg of our journey brought us to the mass grave sites for those who died in the earthquake as well as from the cholera outbreak that followed. It is said about 300,000 are buried there. To be standing in the midst of a place of great loss and then look out to see nothing but beauty felt in some ways very contradictory and in others, just right that as part of a final resting place, they were given peace.
Our next stop brought us to one of the schools Healing Haiti supports. They were off from school when we got there- it is flag day today- but we were given a tour of the school and spoke with Jean Garrie (? Sp. I spelled it phonetically kind of). I love the tenacity of the Haitians. They will do everything possible to see to it their children have an education, including college, and then have an employment rate of about 10%. They continue to press forward with dreams and goals, and how they hope it to be. I wish we could all have and see the gift of pursuing something with your whole heart and being. We too often, and myself the most guilty, expect for someone else to love and nourish and grow our dreams of what we would like to accomplish, forgetting that we have all we need in front of us to make this happen. We are not living in poverty. We have grants and loans and an economy that will support a dream that has enough energy behind it. Will that mean perfection and a smooth road? No. But my goodness.... we have a leg up simply by having the blessing of being American.
Next (busy day!) we drove to the elderly Healing Haiti cares for. The expected life expectancy down here is about 52 (which means I would be without my dad, two sets of grandparents, or have memories and know any of my great grandparents). In having such a short life expectancy though, many of the elderly are in a place of almost being orphaned themselves- they have a medical condition or age that leave them in a position of great difficulty to care for themselves. We brought food and water to five different people, and all of them beautiful. I was in the tent for a couple, and rubbed lotion on the legs of a woman who has a couple of bumps that are causing her pain. I dreamt of my doctor being down here last night to tell me what was wrong with her. We prayed over each of them, thanking God for them, the light they bring, and joy in their hearts amidst dire circumstances.
Our day ended with our trip to Grace Village. This was Alyn Shannon's dream for her Haiti. In my words, that there would be a place of beauty to care for the orphaned children and community of Titanyen. They have a boys and girls house, a feeding center that will/is being used as a school, and are building a fish pond that will also water the greenhouse. I have a heart for self-sufficiency as passed down from my parents, so having their own ecosystem to care for them makes my heart so full. They also have a playground and an area to play soccer. It is my understanding they will also have a space for the elderly to be brought here that are in need of a higher level of care. When I was here before, this was just concrete structures, no windows, doors, finishes, paint, or kids. It is amazing to see the tangible structure of one woman's dream. I had asked last time the question over and over what God was trying to teach me in all this because that was her question. My heart is so full to see this built and "done". A ministry is never really done expanding and building, but like I said, what they have is tangible evidence of one couple's heart and vision. Alyn, your heart must be bursting to see what God has blessed your dream with.
Fulfilled. For many reasons. My first is the fulfilled dream of Alyn Shannon. How amazing. How wonderful. How perfect. The tangible evidence that one person can make a difference on the world. Grace Village is a real place. Thank you dear Lord for your hand on this ministry to see their dreams come to life. Beautiful. Overwhelming. And perfect. Fulfilled. We filled the needs for a day- even if it was just one day- for each of the elderly we visited. It may just be for a day, a moment, but it is more than if we hadn't come at all. Fulfilled. My heart. I have struggled since being here with not being able to fix it all. To put America into how to make Haiti better in my eyes. The thing is... Haiti has always been better. They have struggles and misery, but then so do we back home. They just don't have all the stuff to clutter seeing God for who He is. To be able to wholeheartedly rely on Him for enough for the day. To be ok with what God intended to be enough. Fulfilled. My purpose. God has given me such peace in this trip- this journey. To have a willing heart to know I can do something. To have God show me so many things in how I can share this Haiti with the rest in my world and those I am to meet yet. I don't know when. I don't know how. I know very little outside that this is my haven where God meets me. Or perhaps, when I meet God- completely unencumbered by the rest of what I have to do. God just shows me where and what I am to be for the day. My heart is so full. I am anxious to go out again today knowing I will be back. A peace that surpasses understanding is what I prayed for even in my blog three days ago. Dear Lord- you are the provider of every good and perfect thing. I love this.
And last but not least- the song for the day-- Overcome. It's a new one we are singing at church.
Savior, worthy of honor and glory, worthy of all our praise, You overcame
Jesus, awesome in power forever,awesome and great is Your name, You overcame
Power in hand speaking the Father's plan
You're sending us out, light in this broken land
We will overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony, everyone overcome
Dear Lord. For all that we are. For all that we have. For all that you are. For everything You are able to do and overcome in and through us to do Your work. Thank you. My heart will never be the same with a renewed purpose. We can overcome these things that break your heart through what You can do alone. I love and praise You.
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