Oh Haiti, how I have missed thee...
It has been a year and six months since I both first and last experienced Haiti. In the months that have passed, we have had "the eggs" ala Jean's specialty I picked up while here, prayed for teams, supported members coming down, and been a bit broken that either my distraction or impatience at it not being God's timing for the second trip.
Until today.
My small world some days is like a soundtrack. The song for today is one that goes a little something like-- "You are good, you are good, when there's nothing good in me..." I thought of the imperfect, not good weeks that have led to this day of coming back and being part of an amazing team. I thought of my imperfections, short comings, my lack, my own brokenness, my selfishness... the totality of my sin. In the past these things have meant that I have remained frozen. I have not moved forward. I have had areas where I've pulled a Joshua as Jason Anderson preached this past weekend- I've allowed myself to become too confident in what I have and has been given rather than rely on God's goodness, grace, and provision. My distractions have prevented preparation for this day.
And then we flew over the North side of Haiti. Having spent much of my flying time in prayer today for clarity of heart, mind, soul, and spirit... God-- you are what is good. You are always what is good in these trips. You are what is good in this country. You are what is good in these people and their faith despite their circumstances. God- you alone are what is going to be able to do any good in me and in us in this week.
Resting in these promises alone... Content. With all that is in me... the timing couldn't have been better. This is an amazing team. These are amazing, hand picked, people. This is an amazing country and people we are here to serve. Thank you, God, for the peace that surpasses all understanding, and a contentment that knows no limits in doing what we are specifically called to do.
You are good... you are good, when there's nothing good in me.
To God be the glory in this team, this trip, and what is to come.
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