Monday, May 13, 2013

Day 1: Grateful!!

My word of the day is gratefulness. My heart is overflowing with gratefulness today!!!

For years I have been praying for God to reveal my passion to me, my purpose and His will for my life. When I came to Haiti, just three months ago, it was obvious from the first day that I had found my passion. I spent a week in Haiti that shredded my heart to pieces; a week that was filled with heart ache, joy, love, compassion and revelation of my holy discontent.  

And today, I am privileged to be back on Haitian ground. As soon as we got to the guesthouse we were pleasantly surprised when our translator and our driver took us on a walk around the neighborhood (due to safety reasons we don’t always get this privilege). The neighborhood children joined us on our walk right away. Toulsy is a 12 year old boy that walked by my side and helped me learn a little bit of Creole. What a joy was it to see the smiling faces of these amazing people!!!

As we were walking, Toulsy pointed to one of his friends and told me that his parents have both died and that he can’t afford to attend school. The little boy asked one of my team mates if she would be his mom.

It’s times like this that break my heart…Thinking of a little boy who doesn’t have anyone to call mom and dad, a boy who watches his friends every morning heading out to school as he is left behind, a boy with a desire to grow and potential that might never be revealed just because he was born in Haiti and his parents have passed away.  Did he just happen to be in the wrong place, at the wrong time God?

And then God reminds me of Jeremiah 29:11:For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future(The verse is written on the back of the Tap Tap we travel in while in Haiti- how convenient! Grateful when He speaks so clearly!!)

One of the things I love most about Haiti is that these people get it. This life is not the end of the story. The destination is a wonderful place that Jesus is preparing for us. And they hold on to that hope every day. What a reward will they receive in Heaven!!!

Thank you God for a beautiful ending: eternity in a place with no sorrow, no pain and no mourning. To God be the glory! And give us strength Papa to hold on to this hope every moment of our lives! 

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